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Memorial Day Uk 2024

Holocaust Memorial Day 2024: Curated Moments from the UK Ceremony

Streaming Event and National Observance

Curated Moments

To mark the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, the Holocaust Memorial Day 2024 UK Ceremony was streamed live on January 27th. The event featured curated moments that showcased the fragility of freedom, a theme explored throughout the ceremony.

The UK Ceremony is part of a nationwide observance of Holocaust Memorial Day, which commemorates the victims of the Holocaust and other genocides. This year, the day was marked with various events across the country, culminating in the streaming of curated moments from the UK Ceremony at 7:30pm.

The ceremony was an opportunity to remember the victims and survivors of the Holocaust and to reflect on the lessons learned from this dark chapter in history. It is a reminder that freedom can easily be lost and that it is essential to protect and cherish it.
